Sasha & Alex’s Nantucket Wedding at The Great Harbor Yacht Club

September 21, 2016


Sasha and Alex were married on September 10th 2016 at The Great Harbor Yacht Club. The couple had a beautiful weekend to celebrate their wedding festivities! I photographed their Rehearsal Dinner on Friday evening at Alex’s Family Home  where everyone enjoyed a beautiful meal and shared stories about the amazing couple. From the time I first talked with Sasha I knew this would be a really fun wedding! She & Alex have a beautiful Yellow Lab named Charlie and she was very excited to have Charlie join us for a few photos. As the day arrived I knew having Charlie around for their first look at The Lily Pond would make for some great portraits!

Sasha and Alex love spending time on Nantucket. Alex’s family has a long history here on Nantucket. Their story is pretty incredible and I loved Sasha’s description of their connection to Nantucket…

“Alex started coming to Nantucket when he was around 5 or 6 years old with his family. Originally they rented in Surfside. Then they moved into what used to be Annie’s grocery store but what has now been their home ~ 10-15 years while Blake, Alex’s dad, and Blakes partner built the yacht club – a labor of love that was controversial and took 10 years to build. So, this place is a place that means a lot to the Drexler family and Alex – and to me as I look up to Alex’s dad for his vision, entrepreneurial and business skills, as well as his perseverance and passion. He’s a great father in law. It’s amazing what he’s built for his family.”

I also loved hearing about how Sasha and Alex arrived at the decision to have their wedding here. They have friends from all over the world but Nantucket was truly the perfect place for them to tie the knot…

“Alex and I started coming to Nantucket the summer after we started dating in 2011. We’ve made so many amazing memories with his family there along with our friends from Colorado. And now, through planning this “destination” wedding, it’s brought both of our families close together. My mom has fallen in love with Nantucket and it’s very special to me that we’ve gotten to spend time here together. We wanted to share this special place, unlike anywhere else in the world, with everyone were close to. Having decided to move from Colorado to the east coast after we had already picked this location only made it a more perfect place to get married. All of our closest friends – and specifically my friends and family from home – were able to see a bit of where I was starting out the next chapter of my life. It’s nice to know they’re now a part of that. Finally, we felt that having a wedding on a cozy New England island that is not so easy to get to would give us an understandable reason to keep our wedding intimate and small. While Alex and I love to have a good time and can be loud and extroverted bordering on obnoxious at times, were closet introverts and felt a large wedding would have tapped us out of energy. This way, we were able to spend quality time with the people were closest to and focus on those relationships.”

There were so many unique things about this wedding. Sasha’s Mom made a monogrammed plate for every single guest with their first initial on the plate. This was certainly one of the best gifts we had ever seen at a wedding.

“My moms dinnerware being a part of my wedding added a next level of meaning to the weekend. The reception was absolutely gorgeous with her personalized monogrammed Plates with a message from Alex and I on back. These were a gift for each of our guests. The back read “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.” This had special significance as Alex and I just moved across the country and our life is in the biggest transition either of us has ever been through. It was important to live in the present. My mom is my role model and is such a strong person and business woman. Her business, Sasha Nicholas, is a labor of love just like Blakes building of GHYC. It was incredible that both our families were able to bring their passions and hard work and intertwine them into our wedding to share with all of our loved ones.”

I asked the newlyweds what their favorite part of the wedding was….Alex’s favorite memories of the weekend included; The rehearsal dinner, The fog that was a cozy blanket for our ceremony – romantic and intimate, The reception turned dance party.

It was no surprise that Sasha shared some similar memories – safe to say this is a couple who loves to DANCE!

Sasha’s favorite memories of the weekend included; Rehearsal dinner and reception speeches ,Our vows at the ceremony, Dance party!, My dance to ‘Lean On Me’ with my brother.

The entire evening was full of energy and great dancing! We absolutely loved being part of this wedding!

Huge special thanks to Cary Tozer for shooting this wedding with me! Loved his capture of the Groom carrying the flower girl down the aisle! Priceless moments!

Wedding & Reception Venue: The Great Harbor Yacht Club, Wedding Coordinator: Carolyn Hills, Wedding Dinnerware: Sasha Nicholas, Photography: Katie Kaizer Photography, Ceremony Music: Mollie Glazer & Billy Voss, Wedding Reception DJ: Perfect Nantucket Events by Billy Voss, Flowers: Flowers on Chestnut, Wedding Cake: , Rehearsal Dinner Tent: Nantucket Tents, Rehearsal Dinner Catering: Nantucket Catering Company, Rehearsal Dinner Raw Bar: Isle Have Another

Enjoy! – Katie K.


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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography