Julie and Kevin’s Nantucket Wedding at The White Elephant

June 19, 2018

Julie and Kevin were married on June 8th 2018 at The White Elephant on Nantucket. Their first look at Brant Point Lighthouse was beautiful as it was a sunny afternoon and the Rosa Rugosa were in full bloom. Julie first reached out and we talked for a while about their amazing plan. An intimate wedding of about 40 guests, all of the very special people in their lives. It was a pleasure to be with them all day documenting their love and celebration with family and friends. Their little nieces were the flower girls and they were adorable! The White Elephant is a gorgeous place for a wedding with a harbor backdrop and views of the town. Julie told me more about why they love the island…

“Each time we have visited Nantucket, we have had such fun and special times. There is something quaint and unique about the landscape and the people of Nantucket. What better place to begin our lives together than on an island close to where we are from. ”

Julie and Kevin are quite the duo! They have huge hearts and within moments of being around them you can tell they are so in love! We saw Kevin with happy tears in his eyes many times throughout the day, including the first look which was so sweet. We loved the personal touches to their day including a blue carnation in memory of Kevin’s Mom who had passed away, the flower was up on a seat in the front row in her honor. Later the carnation was at the memory table with a photograph of Kevin and his Mother the day he enlisted in the service. Julie is a successful surgeon and Kevin was in the Navy and now works as a recruiter. They were happy to have a brand new American Flag flying high over the ceremony at The White Elephant and to see the another American Flag down at The Brant Point Lighthouse. These two told us they met ‘by chance’ one night in downtown Boston and it’s just amazing how fate works! I’m so happy their paths crossed and their lives were forever changed moving forward.

“The most memorable part of the day for the both of us was when I turned the corner to walk down the aisle and seeing each other. Our eyes locked in and the look on Kevin’s face actually took my breath away.”

We are wishing these newlyweds a wonderful life together and I know they are off to a good start as they sent happy messages from their honeymoon in Jamaica! We look forward to seeing Julie and Kevin around Nantucket again sometime soon!

Special thanks to Cary Tozer for photographing this wedding with me!

Wedding Ceremony & Reception: The White Elephant, Photographer: Katie Kaizer Photography,  Floral Design: Soirée Floral, Cake: Nantucket Bake Shop Bridal  Hair: Suzanne’s Hair Design , Bridal Makeup: YG Make Up, Bridal Nails: Emma Ross Nails, Officiant: Nancy of Nantucket Town Clerk’s Office


Enjoy! – Katie K.


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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography