Alyssa & Dan’s Beautiful Wedding at The Sconset Chapel and The Chanticleer

July 29, 2016




Alyssa and Dan were married on July 16th 2016. They had a morning ceremony at The Sconset Chapel and then enjoyed a beautiful luncheon at The Chanticleer. Two years ago we photographed Alyssa’s Sister’s wedding and it was such fun to see many familiar faces and spend time with the Hodge Family again! They are the nicest people in the world and they have been spending time in Sconset since all the girls were little. Here is a little more about their connection to the island…..

“Nantucket has been our home away from home for over 20 years. It is were we come to relive our fondest childhood memories, spend time together as a family, and enjoy the pure beauty of the island. It is our little slice of heaven and we are so excited that we could share it with all our friends and loved ones on our wedding day. ”

Since Alyssa and her family are part of the Sconset community it just so happened that we had a very special treat for Alyssa and Dan’s wedding day! We had a once in a lifetime chance to take the couple up into The Sankaty Lighthouse on their wedding day for portraits! After the ceremony we went to the lighthouse and though it was high noon, hot and sunny, the newlyweds climbed the stairs and made the journey to the top of the lighthouse (and so did I!) we had a great time photographing them up top and also from the ground looking up! This was something we’ll all never forget! In addition to this great highlight I loved Alyssa’s response when I asked her about a memorable part of her wedding day….

“Being able to wake up and get ready for my wedding in my house with my sisters and parents will be a part of the day I will always cherish. We have the best memories in this house and we feel so comfortable and happy here. It helped ease my nerves before the ceremony to just be home.”

This wedding was full of heartfelt moments and I’d have to agree that seeing Alyssa with her parents before the ceremony was very memorable. They are a close knit family and I just loved her parent’s expressions when she came up the stairs in her wedding dress!

We are so happy for the newlyweds and I am so thankful that we know we’ll see them around Nantucket for years to come!

Special thanks to Cary Tozer for all of the hard work photographing this wedding with me!

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