Paige & Tyler Quigley Married at The Wauwinet on Nantucket

July 14, 2014


Tyler and Paige were married on July 6th 2014 at The Wauwinet. They are an absolutely amazing couple and their five month old daughter Isla was a very special part of their day!

This summer on Nantucket we had a big surprise on the 4th of July weekend….a tropical storm called Arthur. The Storm hit the island on the 4th and was gone the next day! On the morning of the wedding the sun was shining and skies were blue….sure there was 30+ mph winds but we took it in stride per usual. We had Soiree Floral’s gorgeous arbor set up in the garden for photos, we took a stroll through the gorgeous wooded path and then after the ceremony on the Zen Deck we braved the beach for some fun windy portraits. Paige and Tyler embraced the island breeze and we had a great time down at the beach!

These two were destined to spend their lives together….” Tyler and I were set up by a friend and the rest is history. We both knew we had had our last “first date” that day.”

I asked Paige about her connection to the island and how they chose it for their wedding day…”I choose Nantucket because it is a special place to my family. We have been coming here every summer since I was born. My father passed away when I was eleven and we kept the tradition each year as a memorial to him. It was where I felt closest to him on my wedding day.”

I couldn’t be happier for these two and it was great to meet their intimate group of  friends and family. Their little daughter Isla totally stole my heart after I met her….she was truly adorable….from Paige”It was extra special having our sweet little girl with us to share the day And to celebrate the beginning of our happily ever after!”

Congratulations to this wonderful family:) I look forward to seeing you on Nantucket for years to come!


Officiant: Catherine Stover, Venue: The Wauwinet, Flowers & Design: Soiree Floral, Hair & Makeup: RJ Miller Salon, Photographer: Katie Kaizer Photography, Dress: Sypbaby Bridal

Enjoy! – Katie K.

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