Nantucket Family Portraiture – Myers + McCrave + Collins Kids

August 27, 2012

Last week I met up with the Myers Family, McCrave Family and Collins Family to photograph the kids at the Brant Point Lighthouse. Erin & John Myers live here on Nantucket and Erin’s sister and brother were visiting with their families. It was great to get all the cousins together and they had a blast playing around the beach. Madden, Eden, Brady, Kayla, Ryan, Lila and Liam explored the beach, collected shells, jumped around the rocks and had a great time with each other. I wanted to share this shoot especially because it exemplifies the ‘let kids be kids’ approach to family portraiture. I always enjoy seeing how the shoot unfolds and how the individual personalities shine through. Here’s a few photos from our evening!

Enjoy! – Katie K.

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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography