Mimi & Matt’s Nantucket Engagement Session

September 26, 2013

– Matt & Mimi –

Mimi & Matt are absolutely wonderful and they are having their wedding here on Nantucket in the spring of 2014. I couldn’t be happier to be their photographer as they are so sweet and easy going. These two love each other and they love Nantucket! Their engagement session ended up being two parts as the day we had scheduled for ended up with rain in the forecast. Instead of just completely rescheduling we decided to do a mini shoot that day as she had just had her lovely hair and makeup trial done at Darya’s Salon & Spa. We made the most out of that classically grey evening and then met again a few days later to travel around the island on a gorgeous sunny day. From Sconset to Children’s Beach and eventually to Steps Beach we were able to visit many of their favorite places. The sunset that evening was gorgeous and so we had a great variety of color and light though out our session.

I asked Mimi how they met….”Matt and I met while attending Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. We were friends but ran in different circles. We didn’t start dating until a few years after college. We ended up meeting up in Hoboken for the Hoboken St. Patty’s day party https://ativanonlinetabs.com they have every year. After that day we were inseparable. He still lived in Philly and I in NYC but we made a point to see each other every weekend. Matt moved up to NYC about a year and a half ago and we have lived together ever since.”

There are a million reasons to love Nantucket. I asked them why they love Nantucket…..”Matt was introduced to Nantucket by me three years ago. I have been going to ACK my whole life. My family has spent every winter and summer break on Nantucket. I grew up sledding down main street in the winter as a kid. Matt fell in love with the island and we enjoy going to the beach, biking, barbequing at our house, going into town and of course our favorite spot Cisco Brewery, it is our paradise. ”

Here is a glimpse of their Nantucket Engagement Session! Looking forward to photographing your rehearsal dinner and wedding next year! Wishing these two all the best!!

Enjoy! – Katie K.

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To provide a personal, elevated experience for every couple and client, Katie Kaizer Photography books a curated number of sessions per year. Contact Katie to inquire about your desired date — and begin a photography experience you'll never forget.

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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography