Congratulations Michelle and Chris! An Intimate Wedding at The Brant Point Lighthouse

September 14, 2018

Michelle and Chris had a beautiful intimate wedding at The Brant Point Lighthouse on September 3rd 2018.  I originally met Chris when he attended another wedding we photographed for good friends of ours in Bourne and when his bride to be, Michelle, reached out I was thrilled to work with them. They had a gorgeous evening surrounded by family and close friends on the beach under sunny skies.

Michelle told me Nantucket was something they had in common, even before they had met…..”We both have been coming to Nantucket separately with friends for years and when we started dating, we started to visit together and fell in love with the island again.”

It is also an extra exciting time in life for this couple as they are expecting a baby girl in just over a month. I keep thinking of how special it will be someday for her to see these wedding photos! These two will be amazing parents and we couldn’t be happier for them!

“Our wedding was special to have at Brant Point Lighthouse because we both love Nantucket and I have always dreamed of getting married on the beach. It’s a serene spot and we thought it would be perfect for our vows. It was just special to us to have our nearest and dearest family and friends there for our intimate ceremony and celebration. The whole day and weekend was perfect.”

We are so happy for Michelle and Chris and look forward to seeing them on Nantucket again sometime soon with their daughter!

Special thanks to Bill Hoenk for joining me to photograph this wedding!

Photographer: Katie Kaizer Photography, Flowers: Flowers on Chestnut, Hair and Makeup: Emily Nantucket, Officiant Nancy Holmes


Enjoy! – Katie K.


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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography