Meghan and Craig’s Nantucket Engagement Session – Town and Madaket

May 17, 2019


Nantucket in the Springtime is gorgeous! Everywhere you turn there are new colors from the yellow daffodils to the pink cherry blossom trees all over the island! We had such a great evening for Meghan and Craig’s Nantucket Engagement Session and this wonderful couple is getting married in June! We started around the historical downtown and then went out to Madaket where Meghan’s family has spent time since she was a child. The sun soaked beach and the dramatic skies were all amazing! I loved hearing a little more about Meghan and Craig’s story and their connection to the island.

“I have always loved the charm of nantucket from the cobblestone streets to the amazing beaches. Each part of the island is so unique and special, which is why I invited Craig on a family vacation with me to ACK after only two months of knowing him! It was my mom’s idea to invite Craig and even though I thought it was too soon she said, “If you don’t like him after a week then you can move onto the next.” Best Advice I ever took! What we loved most about the engagement session is that we hit two of our favorite spots- walking the cobblestone streets in town and Madaket!”

We can’t wait to photograph Meghan and Craig’s festivities with their Rehearsal Dinner at CRU and their Wedding at St. Mary’s Church and The Galley Beach in just over a month! We are looking forward to all of it!

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To provide a personal, elevated experience for every couple and client, Katie Kaizer Photography books a curated number of sessions per year. Contact Katie to inquire about your desired date — and begin a photography experience you'll never forget.

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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography