Kira’s parents are getting married! Heather and Mitch’s Nantucket Engagement Session

June 25, 2019

Heather and Mitch live on Nantucket with their incredible rescue dog Kira! I was so excited to photograph them here on the island where they live and get to know them more! These two love Nantucket which is something I have in common with many of my clients but I love hearing about why and about their journey. Here is more from Heather and Mitch….
“We instantly fell in love with this stunning little island years ago on our first trip to visit family. When an opportunity opened up for housing, we jumped on the first ferry we could! Our families and friends probably though we were a bit mad when we told them we were spontaneously moving in 3 weeks… 30 miles out into the Atlantic. We have lived here for a little over 3 years and continue to discover new things about this beautiful place each and every day. Our favorite part about Nantucket is the immediate connection to nature. Life can definitely get stressful out here but it helps when the beach is always in your backyard.”
I couldn’t agree with that last part more. A visit to the beach is always good for the soul and if you have a dog by your side it’s even better! I love what they wrote about their session with Kira…
“Our favorite part of our photo shoot was getting our dog Kira involved. Kira has been a part of our family for 4 years now and we practically take her everywhere with us. When looking for a photographer it was a must for us to include her. Katie was incredible at incorporating her into shots that we will adore for many years to come.”
I am so happy for Heather and Mitch and can’t wait to get our dogs together! I love when people bring their pets to their sessions, after all, they are part of the family! Heather posted a few of the preview photos after our session with what might be one of the nicest quotes from a client I have ever read….”Mitch and I are totally blown away by Katie Kaizer’s skills! We all truly enjoyed our evening with her and believe we have gained a new friend. She brought the magic back to wedding planning for sure. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” I agree that it feels like I have made new friends. Here’s to love and enjoying wedding planning and everything in between, it should all be fun after all!


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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography