Jen & Peter’s Rehearsal Dinner Sunset Cruise, Cruz Bay, St. John

June 4, 2013

Jen and Peter are an amazing couple. I had met them a few times over the years and when we talked about their plans for a destination wedding in St. John, USVI there was no question that I was on board to come along as their photographer so I could tell their whole story. In St. John everyone was on ‘island time’ and cell phones barely worked, which gave the whole week a very ‘in the moment’ feeling. It was so special to see all of their guests and family members celebrate set against the backdrop of paradise. Instead of a traditional rehearsal dinner Jen & Peter chose a sunset cruise around Cruz Bay aboard a beautiful schooner named ‘New Horizons.’ It was too perfect. Their family and bridal party joined them for a fun evening with champagne, amazing food, laughter, and a great toast by the grooms father, Al Brodbeck. Everyone shared stories and created new memories as the boat sailed around the gorgeous islands. When the sun finally dipped behind the mountains, the sky transformed into a gorgeous sunset. Everyone had an amazing time.

Enjoy! – Katie K.



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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography