Catie & Tricia’s Nantucket Wedding

November 2, 2016



Catie and Tricia were married on October 22nd 2016 on Nantucket Island. Catie was born and raised on Nantucket and Tricia grew up on Cape Cod in Mashpee. Their wedding weekend was full of joy, love and celebration. These two are so very loved and we were honored to capture such a beautiful wedding. We loved their custom Converse Sneakers with their wedding date embroirdered on the side, just one of their many personal touches to the wedding! Since Catie is from the Island it was so much fun to see many familiar faces at their celebration! Here’s more from Catie about their decision to have their wedding here….

“We chose to have our wedding on Nantucket because after two years of commuting, the island had become a huge part of our relationship. Nantucket encompassed both the quiet and beauty of Cape Cod, which both of us love.  Tricia and I commuted for two years before I moved over to the Cape, we were engaged in Hawaii in 2014 while visiting Catie’s sister, and we were married on our 5 year anniversary. ”

When I met with Catie and Tricia months ago to hear more about their story and their wedding plans I knew this was going to be a heartfelt and very special wedding. They are a couple who truly supports each other and loves each other unconditionally. You can tell within moments of meeting them that the are meant to be together. True to Nantucket form we had some high winds roll in the weekend of their wedding and stormy skies too. I loved their attitude as the weekend arrived and we all agreed that we’d embrace the weather and though we couldn’t go with the original ceremony site (due to wind) we had a great outdoor backup in place! I loved their enthusiasm for photos and when I mentioned the Kayak Beach around the corner from their house they loved the idea of a few water front portraits (despite the interesting weather conditions!)

“Our original venue of Brant Point Lighthouse was where we had one of our first dates on the island. Also, many trips on the boat the lighthouse became a symbol of their wishes to return to each other (trying to tie in the throwing of pennies and wishes)- which was huge for us.  Due to weather we held our ceremony at The Whero Whero House, one of the residences we had rented for the wedding weekend. Our reception, which took place at Faregrounds Restaurant was a huge part of our connection to the island. Catie’s mom has worked with Bill Puder, owner of Faregrounds, for most of Catie’s life and has been a huge part in her growing up. Therefore, it was only fitting that she start this new journey there among friends and family. ”

The Faregrounds was a cozy place for their reception and as we arrived everyone welcomed in the newlyweds for their first dance. It was a beautiful site to see everyone surround Catie and Tricia with love throughout their special day. I loved hearing from Catie and Tricia about their most memorable parts of the day. We had decided to do their fist look right next to Catie’s Mother’s home and it was a beautiful setting.

“One of the most memorable parts of the day was the first look and the moments following.  Shortly after the first look, when Tricia and I were taking pictures in the field, the honks and cheers from those in our community. It really captured the essence of Nantucket and the love we have for the island and its community.  Following those moments of seeing each other for the first time, gathering our girls on Catie’s moms front porch, which to many might be just a porch, it has so many memories of our relationship and the relationships we’ve built with family and friends, that it was extra memorable for us to embrace those moments of seeing those we know, love, and cherish. To celebrate with little honks, cheers, and waves was something we have always loved about that front porch. ”

At this wedding you could really feel and see the support and love from everyone in attendance. We felt truly honored to capture such a special day for two ladies whom have hearts of gold. They are two of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Wishing them all the best and happy to know we’ll be seeing them around Nantucket for years to come!


Special Thanks to Kathryn Kennedy for joining me to photograph this wedding, our last one of the year! I can’t imagine a better way to wrap up the season!

Photography: Katie Kaizer Photography, Flowers: Verde Floral Design, DJ: Cheryl Atherton of Sister Spin Entertainment,, Stationary: Dulce Press and Rachel Walker, Cake/Cupcakes: Nantucket Cake Company, Tiina Polvere, Tricia’s Hair: Heather Steele , Catie’s Hair: Suzanne’s Hair Design, Makeup: Jess Davis, Rehearsal Dinner Catering & Reception: Faregrounds Restaurant, Bill and Kim Puder, Bridal and Bridesmaids Dresses: David’s Bridal , Ceremony: Whero Whero House, Rentals: Nantucket Party Rentals , Officient: Rev. Erin Splaine, Transportation: Nantucket Island Tours


Enjoy! – Katie K.


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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography