An afternoon with Amy, Henry and their new dog Keiki

December 6, 2016



Amy and Henry are good friends of mine and I just love their new dog Keiki! I was so excited about photographing them with their awesome new dog! I loved Amy’s description of their new pup…..”Keiki is a 7 month old Wheaton Terrior.  He is a mid-western pup (from Nebraska), with a Hawaiian name (Keiki means “little one/child”), living on Nantucket! ”

 Photographing my friends and fellow Nantucketers is always SO much fun. We had a great time out at Cisco Beach! It was windy and the waves were beautiful. The moon also rose right around sunset. Such a pretty fall evening. I love capturing their love for the island, each other and of course their new dog!
Here’s a few words from Amy about their life on Nantucket….”Henry and I love to take Keiki to Cisco beach….he loves chasing the waves.  He is growing quickly, but he loves to be held and snuggled.  I am sure you will see the three of us strolling around Main Street all the time, next summer!”
Enjoy! – Katie K.

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