Alissa, John and their sweet dog Roxy – Nantucket Portraiture in Sconset

September 15, 2014


When Alissa of Alissa Dinneen Photography  emailed me to inquire about a portrait session with their dog Roxy I knew we would have a great time. It’s always such an honor to photograph a fellow Professional Wedding Photographer and I absolutely loved getting to know Alissa, John and their fun dog Roxy during their portrait session in Sconset. We had no shortage of excitement and laughter as Roxy, a super cute Old English Bulldog, entertained us and showed off for the camera! In addition to talking to Alissa about her photography career it was wonderful to hear about how she and John enjoy spending time on the island….

“John and I first visited Nantucket together in 2007 and have been back three times since. John first told me that he loved me on the island back in 2007 by Great Point Lighthouse and two years later it’s where he proposed with Roxy (our then puppy). We really enjoy visiting the island after Labor Day with Roxy of course, it’s still warm but less populated and feels like we have the entire place to ourselves.”

Alissa couldn’t be more right about that! As we strolled through Sconset we barely saw anyone and when we arrived at the beach it was empty and beautiful. We let Roxy off the leash and had some fun in the shore break and watching her run and play. Needless to say I am beyond happy to have met Alissa, John and their sweet dog Roxy! Looking forward to seeing them again on Nantucket!

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Nantucket Wedding and Portrait Photography