Cami and Jim’s Nantucket Engagement Session around Town, Sconset and Sankaty Lighthouse! They are getting married one year from today!

September 30, 2016


Cami and Jim are getting married one year from today! This beautiful couple will tie the knot next fall on Nantucket and we had a beautiful evening for their Engagement Session earlier this month. Cami and Jim brought along their vintage Red Toyota Land Cruiser for the session and I had so much fun photographing them around Sconset and for a stunning sunset at the Sankaty Lighthouse! This couple absolutely loves spending time on Nantucket and I enjoyed hearing about their history here on the island….

“Nantucket has always been a place to disconnect from the craziness of our day-to-day, and instead, focus on family time. My family has been coming to Nantucket since before I was born and early in our relationship I brought Jim to visit. We love going for bike rides, relaxing at the beach and watching the sunset with a bottle of rose. This summer, Nantucket became even more special to me when Jim proposed on Dionis beach!”

It has been such a joy being in touch with Cami about their plans and I know their wedding will be fabulous! She told me that they absolutely loved watching the Sunset at Sankaty during the session and I would have to agree! It was a gorgeous night made even better by their love in the air, the gorgeous light and that beautiful vintage car. Here are a few favorites from their session! Looking forward to their wedding exactly one year from today!

Special thanks to Cary Tozer for joining us for the sunset portraits! Such a beautiful evening!

Enjoy! – Katie K.

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